JAGAR FOUNDATION जागर फाउंडेशन

निराधारांसाठी जागर सुरू झाला.........

"रहने को घर नही सोने को बिस्तर नही, अपणा खुदा है रखवाला" is  the song of their life. These men neglected by the society and face very tough life. Reason for leaving home for each one is different. Everybody is said to be insane. They keep wandering all day and when it’s getting dark, their steps turn towards the roadside place and rest easily. That is their home which has no walls and no roofs. Any place just to lie down is comfortable. Those who don’t wander prefer permanent place to rest. Some call them destitute……. some make fun of their life and survival. But nobody has time to think over their depressed condition. It’s fact that they are tired, mentally overwhelmed by the darkness of despair.

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Jagar Foundation Kolhapur

This is how  JAGAR started....

Can we do something for these destitute?....... One day a thought arose in mind and of course, answer was affirmative. We started helping the destitute by offering them some basic needs like food, drinking water, some medical help, a quilt to cover etc. Later we started visiting them at night and the choice time was 11 to 12 pm. This time was suitable to them. These guys never tell their full names. Rather they remain reluctant to divulge their private information. They don’t allow anybody too close to them. They will eat sufficiently if given but are not overwhelmed by hunger. They will eat if given and will remain too calm if denied. Some left the quilt or chaddars where they slept overnight while some used to give away to somebody. It’s paining to know that they leave the place or city when you are too inquisitive.

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Jagar Foundation Kolhapur
The SCOPE OF JAGAR’S WORK increased....
Now we started to accept more social responsibilities. The scope continued to grow…. Informing the slum dwellers  about govt schemes, assisting them in getting their own property cards, organising unorganised workers, assisting construction workers in listing as beneficiaries and awarding them eligible schemes, tree plantation, making clay seed balls and throwing them in the empty jungle, organising blood donation camps, educating the society by organised small rallies of renowned personalities like Padmashri Madhu Mangesh Karnik, ex MP Raju Shetty, Pratap Hogade, Kadsiddheshwar Swamiji etc., preparing and distributing in the district the Health Calendars, felicitating the good social workers with Jagar Puraskar, organising conferences on various social problems and last but not the least we celebrate Rajarshi Shahu Jayanti each year and distribute copies of Maharaja’s biography etc.